Home Academy Agreement
When your child joins our academy we ask that you, ourselves and your child sign up to a shared agreement of how we will work together and what our responsibilities to each other are.
The agreement details some common expectations of each of us for example:
Parent/ Carers will:
- Ensure that their child/ren come to school well rested, well nourished and ready to learn.
- Ensure that their child is in full and correct uniform
The Academy will:
- Ensure your child ’s physical and social well being needs are met at all times and to foster feelings of self confidence, self -worth and belonging.
- Deliver a balanced and carefully planned curriculum, which meets the needs of your individual child
The Student/ Child will:
- Read to someone at home or independently by themselves on a regular basis.
- Talk to their parents/ carers or teachers if they are worried about anything at all.
Our Home/Academy Agreement document in available in the documents section of this website.